Be a Picker! Use Picwant to earn money from your mobile photos and videos.
How does it work? You can take photos and videos and send them to, the website where people from the publishing, advertising and corporate world come to search and buy (license) content for their communication.
We are a team of professionals in the photography industry. Our editors are scouting for a wide range of subjects.
Think about what you can shoot with your smartphone that can be used: reading a magazine? There is an interesting article about Hong-Kong and, the following page, one about the health power of broccoli. And what about how good is cycling in the countryside or that advertisement with a family having breakfast...
Anything can be used to illustrate an article, a blog, an advertising campaign. And this is what we are looking for. We are sure that you have the creativity for taking the right content or that you already have those photos and videos in your camera roll!
If your content is accepted, it may be sold (licensed) and you can earn money (royalties)!
Be as smart as your phone! Download the Picwant app and start shooting and sending content.